Breaker Page 16
Right now, we’re in a car riding through the scenic, rolling green plains of my home state, Wyoming. My eyes are wide, taking in every detail of the beautiful surroundings. It’s wide and expansive, the land so flat that you can see for miles in every direction easily. It’s an eerily pleasant feeling, being about to see so far. For once, it feels like I no longer have to look over my shoulder for the inevitable danger to sneak up on me. The world belongs to us now and we can take whatever piece of it we so desire.
I stare out the window, watching intently as we pass the occasional farmhouse or small homestead. We pass by an aesthetically-haunting old barn with peeling brick-red paint, the gigantic doors folding and collapsing in at the front with years of age, erosion, and decay. Maybe it’s just the small-town Wyoming girl in me, but I can’t help but smile. That barn, even though it looks sad and lonely now, is a piece of history. Someone’s great-great-great-grandfather probably built it and raised all sorts of farm animals and children alike there. It makes me wistful about the past and excited about the future at the same time. I wonder where Breaker and I will end up. I wonder if we will have a family. I’m sure we will. And the idea of carrying my handsome savior’s child… god, I just can’t wait.
As we drive through the pastoral countryside along the 113, Breaker points out places he has been, places he has helped to rebuild and restore over the years. Earlier, we passed by the famous Native American monument, the Devils Tower. It’s a gorgeous, awe-inspiring rock formation that is integral to native culture and history. Breaker tells me all about how he has helped to protect it, defending the Tower against those who would seek to strip it of its power and significance in the name of imperialism and western expansion. He speaks of the Devils Tower so reverently and respectfully, like he truly understands how vital the monument is to preserving a part of history that is so constantly under threat. He also stood up to those who put the fate of the nearby towns in jeopardy, defending their honor when they were too small to fight it on their own. He even helped to rebuild several structures in the nearby inhabited areas, putting backbreaking labor into his pitch to keep these small, rural communities thriving and safe. It warms my heart to know that he has the kind of soul that leads him to fix other people’s problems. Breaker is a complicated man. On the one hand, he won’t hesitate to crack skulls together if the situation requires such action, but he also has a bit of ‘world-saving’ in him. He may be a hard man, but he’s got a soft side, and I love that about him.
Hell, I love everything about him.
“Look, here’s the place,” Breaker says warmly, a rare smile on his rugged features.
My heart skips a beat as I sit up straight in the passenger seat, eyes wide. I look out the window to see that we are pulling up to the end of the road, where a glimmering, crystal-blue lake is gently lapping at the shore. Green plains grass billows romantically in the other direction as far as the eye can see. It’s a truly scenic location, and perfect for the picnic we have planned.
“Oh, it’s beautiful,” I gasp excitedly.
Breaker pulls the car to a stop and we get out of the vehicle, stretching our arms and legs as we take the picnic basket and blanket out of the back seat. We carry it all down to the shore, and I can’t seem to wipe the smile off my face as Breaker lays out the blanket and I begin unpacking the sandwiches and pasta salad I made earlier for this excursion. My stomach rumbles as we sit down to eat, both of us taking deep breaths of the clean, refreshing country air. I’ve never felt so free, so perfectly content to just exist in the world. With Breaker at my side, everything seems so much brighter, more vivid than ever before.
“The food looks incredible, princess,” he tells me honestly, eyeing the sandwiches with obvious hunger. I giggle and pass him one of them, along with a scoop of pasta salad and a fork.
“Is that champagne?” he asks, raising an eyebrow as he looks at the basket.
I snort in amusement and pull out the shiny bottle, holding it up.
“Nope. Sparkling grape juice, sorry,” I chuckle.
“Works for me. Besides, looking at how beautiful you are in the sunshine is much more intoxicating than a glass of bubbly,” he remarks sweetly.
I blush and look away coyly, picking up my sandwich. We chat and tease each other playfully while we eat, enjoying the warm, sunny day. There’s not another soul around for miles and miles, and it’s been probably at least an hour since we even passed another car. Out here on the lake, we might as well be on our very own planet, and after the hard times we’ve faced, it’s a massive relief just to be alone together in a lovely location.
“You know, when I think about why I joined that damn club in the first place, it was for all the right reasons. I wanted a community. Friends, family, people to rely on. I wanted to feel like there was somewhere in the world I could truly belong,” Breaker says wistfully. Then he turns to give me a passionate smile. “I realize now that I just had to make my own family.”
I giggle and wink at him. “Well, with how frequently we’ve been screwing, that shouldn’t be a problem,” I tease suggestively.
Breaker laughs and reaches over to hook an arm around me, pulling me in close to kiss me on the lips. A shock of desire rolls through my body. He breaks away to gaze into my eyes.
“With a mouth like that, how can I help myself?” he growls, and I can feel his lust growing for me. I’m getting slick between the thighs for him already, and when he cradles me back onto the blanket and hikes up my dress, I know I’m in for a hell of a ride.
He unzips his jeans and pulls his boxers down just far enough for his cock to spring free, bouncing and stiffening in the fresh air. I bite my lip as he positions the head of his cock at my wet opening, both of us completely ready. These days, it doesn’t take much for us to get into the mood. In fact, with him around, I feel like I’m always in the mood. We can’t get enough of each other, no matter how many times we fuck.
He slides his cock inside me and we both shudder and moan, clinging to one another. Breaker slides his arms underneath my back and lifts me up, my legs straddling his waist so that we’re facing one another. He kisses me and begins to rock his hips, spearing deep inside my clenching pussy until I’m whimpering and gasping for breath.
“Such a dirty little girl, aren’t you?” Breaker whispers roughly. “Out here in the middle of nowhere, taking you raw. We could get caught any second now, you know that?”
“Yes, sir,” I murmur breathlessly. “I love it.”
“That’s right, you do,” he snarls between gritted teeth.
He picks up the pace, slamming into me as I tilt my head back and close my eyes, feeling his body moving in tandem with mine while the country air wraps me in a blanket of softness. I feel nothing but pleasure and overpowering, overwhelming love for this man. I know without a doubt that my heart has belonged to him ever since the first day we met. Since he rescued me from a fate arguably worse than death. I know, too, that we are going to be together forever. It’s destiny. We are made for one another, and now that the world has brought us back together, we’ll never let go again. Besides, I trust him more than I’ve ever trusted anyone. I know I’m perfectly safe in his arms, that he will never do anything to harm me. I can submit to him freely, secure in the understanding that Breaker loves me and will protect me to the death.
His fingers rake through my hair, tangling a fistful of auburn locks as he tilts my head back further and leans in to nip at my exposed, ticklish neck. I shiver with pleasure, goosebumps rising along my arms and legs as he continues to pound into my slick cunny. We moan each other’s names and rock together back and forth, in and out, until finally we’re both at the edge.
“Fuck, you feel so good. I’m going to come inside you and make you mine, little girl. Are you ready for that?” he snarls lustfully.
“Yes, sir. Please. Give it to me. I need it,” I gasp with desperation.
With one last powerful thrust, the two of us come together, clinging to each other
as our bodies shudder and twitch through the powerful climax. We kiss sloppily, our tongues dancing together as his hands slide around to cup my face almost delicately. When he breaks away, he rests his forehead against mine as we try to catch our breath.
He smiles softly and says, “I told you I was going to come inside you.”
I let out an exhilarated giggle, melting into his strong embrace, and murmur back, “It’s just as well. My period is already late—and it’s never late.”
“Alright,” I say, standing in the meeting room with three fresh faces standing in front of me, each of them looking different stages of anxious yet determined. “With all that said, you’re not the boys you used to be. You’re Heartbreakers now, one of us, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You’ve learned our creed, and now I expect you to go live it out. And if you don’t, you’ll answer to me. Got that?”
“Yes, Prez,” the three say almost in unison, and out of the corner of my eye, I can see Bones grinning. He’s standing in the room with us, along with the rest of us members who split off from Buzz’s gang.
It seemed fitting for all of us to be witnesses to another round of former Buzzsaws prospects getting sworn in to our club.
“Good,” I say, cracking a smile. “Now get the fuck out of here and head upstairs, I’ll meet up with the rest of you and ride tonight before we celebrate.”
The new members make their way out of the meeting room, leaving me alone with Bones, Ironside, and Big Daddy.
“Another month, another handful of them,” Big Daddy chuckles. “Wonder if we’ll end up with everyone Buzz rounded up over the years.”
“Not everyone,” I say, shaking my head. “Some skipped states, and we sure as hell aren’t the only two MCs in Wyoming. I don’t know if any of them are as sloppy as the Buzzsaws were, but if they are, we’ll find them.”
“We’ve almost tripled our numbers in just a few months, so I don’t think that’s all that unreasonable,” Bones agrees, chuckling.
“Think we have anything to worry about from this group?” Ironside muses, scratching his chin thoughtfully and looking up at the map of the area that I’ve had put back up on the wall. “Buzz is long dead, but I can never help but wonder if his attitude managed to work its way into any of these poor fucks he recruited.”
“If it did, it isn’t in any of these guys,” I say confidently. “Not so far, anyway. I’ve been vetting all of them personally.”
“Don’t worry, Prez, we all know that,” Ironside says, holding up a hand. “But we need to start keeping eyes and ears out around the club to make sure it stays that way. You won’t be able to vet everyone all of the time, if we keep growing at this rate.”
“And you’re right about that,” I agree, nodding slowly. “Good forethought. And on that note, Bones, any word on Diesel?”
Bones shakes his head, frowning, and my jaw tightens. The guy named Diesel was the only face I completely lost track of after the fight at the impound lot. I had the men out looking for him, but he must have gone off on his own and found a good way to lay low. He’s a liability I like to keep quiet, because I know all too well what one man can do. And he’s one loose end we need brought in, and fast.
“Then you know the drill: make the usual sweeps and leave no stone unturned. If it so much as vaguely looks like a safe house, it’s worth looking into. Now, my turn to kick you all out. Go make the new members feel like family, I’ve got one more piece of business to take care of down here.”
“You got it, Prez,” Big Daddy says, and the men file out of the room in front of me.
Outside the meeting room, the bar looks better than ever, and it’s all thanks to the woman who’s currently standing behind the bar, experimenting with a cocktail as the guys walk past her and give her respectful nods or brief greetings. I take my seat at the end of the bar as Kate watches the last of the guys leave, and she slowly makes her way around the bar.
And as soon as she emerges, I can’t help but smile at the bump on her belly. The look of excitement on her face when she first told me is going to be emblazoned in my mind forever as a happy memory to go back to, just like every day with Kate at my side has been.
“Hey, good lookin’,” I say casually, leaning on the bar with a wolfish grin. “Teasing yourself with drinks you can’t have yet?”
“You gave me a bottomless budget to flip this little speakeasy you’ve got running,” she says with a smirk, “so yeah, I’m gonna make sure it has some fancy drinks to go with it. It’ll be something to surprise Eli with when he gets in later.”
“Let me know if he ever tries to steal credit, I’ll pop his ass,” I chuckle, completely joking. Ever since we recruited the old bartender from Buzz’s operation, he’s been an endlessly grateful friend to us. Seems like Buzz didn’t get any better to work for with time.
Kate really had done a fantastic job with the bar, and she’s seamlessly slipped into the role of manager around here. There were new lights hanging from the ceilings, the wood was all restored, we’d gotten new barstools that matched the stained glass of the lights, and the whole space didn’t reek of tobacco and cheap whisky anymore. That alone would have been an accomplishment in and of itself.
She’s gone so far out of her way for me, so I treat her like the queen she is. I get her anything in my power that she wants, and right now, I’ve got a lot of power to share. She’s become like an advisor to me in a lot of ways, and her advice is always worth listening to. Her instincts on problem prospects are always right, she has good business sense, and there aren’t any more secrets between us. She has become the best friend I always feel like I have to improve myself for, and without her, the MC simply wouldn’t exist.
I make that known to every prospect who comes through our doors, from day one.
Well, alright, I wasn’t entirely honest. There is something she doesn’t know just yet, but that’s all about to change.
“So, is that all the club business you’ve got tonight?” she asks, sitting down on the barstool next to me and leaning back with a warm smile.
“I don’t know, do you count as club business?” I ask, grinning and leaning in to kiss her. She giggles as I pepper her face with kisses across her cheek and down her neck. She tries to squirm away, and we laugh as I wrap my arms around her and tickle her with the scruff on my face.
“Maybe I should,” she says as we settle down and meet each other’s loving gaze.
“You know,” I say, “knowing it’ll be just you and me at the end of the day, nothing but us-time, even if we don’t have time to fool around… that’s what keeps me going.”
Her smile gently grows into a grin as color comes to her cheeks, and she turns her gaze away and covers her mouth. “Oh my god, don’t make me blush right before we go out and see everyone,” she laughs.
“It’s true though,” I say with a big, stupid grin on my face, taking her hand and brushing her hair out of her eyes. She looks up at me, and any anxious nerves I had before now settle down. “You’re an angel I don’t deserve, sweetheart, but if you’re crazy enough to ride with me… I want to make it official.”
Somehow as smoothly as I practiced endlessly in my room, I reach into my kutte’s pocket and take out the ring box, then get out of my seat and get down onto a knee as Kate’s face flushes, and she lowers her hands from her mouth to beam at me.
“Kate-” I say, fighting back a tear in my eye, but Kate calmly puts a hand over the ring box. My smile vanishes, and my heart stops for a moment as she holds it shut and peers down at me. Did I just make the biggest mistake of the year without a second thought?
“Damien Brooks,” she says, making my mouth fall open. I’ve never told anyone my real name, not even Kate yet. I had been planning to do that at this exact moment. “I’ll be more than happy to marry you, and while I’m at it, I love the house up the road you just bought us.”
I know I’ve been a man who can run his mouth, so I can’t say I’ve ever been st
unned to silence in my life. But Kate has just done exactly that, so I’ll never be able to say it’s impossible. My thoughts come to a screeching halt and start to short-circuit as I stare up at her slack jawed, and she finally bursts into laughter, pulling me up to my feet by the hand, throwing her arms around me, and kissing me on my open mouth.
Her kiss is so warm that I’m almost distracted, but she breaks it a moment later and smiles up at me lovingly.
“I don’t think you know how perfect you made that,” she says with a satisfied sigh. “Since you took so many liberties digging through my life, I thought I’d return the favor and dig through yours. I found the ring last month, and I found the paperwork for the home sale last week, which had your legal name on it,” she explains, looking so unbelievably smug that I can’t help but feel my heart bursting with love for her.
“You… sure are proud of that one, aren’t you, sweetheart?” I said as I hugged her to me, running my hand through her hair, still laughing as a tear of joy rolls down my face. “There’s nobody else in the world I’d rather spend my life with. You’ve just made me the happiest man alive. Don’t you ever change.”
“Don’t think I’m not going to cry too, though,” she adds through sniffling, and I break the hug to kiss her forehead as she laugh-sobs once and clasps my hands. “But… I do have a question for you, now.”