Bound to the Mafia (Bound to the Bad Boy Book 2) Page 12
“You like that, dolcezza?” Bruno grunts. “You want me to fuck your tight little pussy harder? Tell me how it feels, baby.”
“It feels… so… fucking… good,” I choke out between thrusts, feeling my whole body tensing up as he fucks me harder and faster. He picks up the tempo, slamming into me again and again. He reaches around underneath me to stroke at my clit with his fingers while he fucks me and I cry out, my second orgasm exploding inside of me. “Bruno!” I scream.
He doesn’t stop, even for a second, fucking me hard even as my body shudders with waves of pleasure, totally overstimulated. “You’re gonna make me come again,” I mumble, clinging to the chaise for dear life.
But he grabs me and lifts me up, spinning me around and leaning back against the chair with his cock still inside of me so that I’m now straddling him again. His legs are hooked over each side of the chaise with me speared on his cock on top of him. He holds me up by the strength of his arms alone, holding me in air, in place, while he thrusts upward with his hips, his cock pounding into me harder and harder. It’s all I can do to even remember to breathe while he’s fucking me, his swollen head striking that deep, delicious spot inside of me again and again and again.
“I want you to come for me, Serena,” he growls imperatively. “I want that sweet little pussy to gush all over my cock. I want to hear you scream, mia bambina.”
He fucks me so fast and hard that my cunt aches, burns with the ferocity of it. That arching knot of pleasure tightens and tightens until I’m gasping, climaxing with a shriek. “Fuck! I’m coming!” I cry out, bouncing up and down on his cock.
“Good girl, good girl,” Bruno murmurs, but I can tell he’s starting to lose control, too. His thrusts are getting more erratic, more violent as he fucks me. He sits up straighter, pulling my legs around his waist so that we’re face to face while I bounce on his shaft. I’m so wet that we’re both slick, sliding against each other fast and hard. Bruno grabs my ass with one hand, and my left breast in the other, squeezing and pinching my nipple while his cock hits my g-spot. He moves faster and faster until I’m almost slack, my body exhausted and giving in to the overpowering sensations of pleasure.
“Fuck me,” I whisper, my eyes rolling back in my head. “Fill me up, Bruno. I want... I want to feel you come inside me. Please. Give it to me.”
“I’m gonna come for you, dolcezza. Gonna pump you full of my seed, baby. Gonna make you mine forever and ever,” he groans, leaning forward to kiss me hard, his tongue pushing into my mouth while I feel his cock tightening up inside of me.
Even though I’m barely able to think coherently, I use what little strength I have left to squeeze my pussy tight around Bruno’s shaft, kissing him back as he groans into my mouth. With a few rapid thrusts, he lets out a roar and shoots his sweet, thick seed deep inside of me, his hands groping me, clutching me close to his chest. He thrusts a few more times and I can feel his come starting to leak out of me as we sit there, entwined around each other and breathing raggedly. Bruno kisses my forehead and lifts me up, setting me down beside him. He stands up and starts to get dressed again, and I quickly follow suit, realizing that it’s actually rather cold in the basement and my naked skin is getting goosebumps.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” I murmur, looking up at him as I tug my leggings back on. Bruno walks across the room to retrieve my shirt and bra, returning them to me. “I can’t believe you’re really here. After two years.”
“It’s been too long,” he replies. “I never want to be apart from you for so long again.”
“Bruno… all this time has been hard. Worse than I even predicted,” I begin, biting my lip. I don’t want to ruin the beauty of the moment, but I can’t pretend like nothing happened. I want to pick up right where we left off but I can’t deny that things have changed, at least a little.
“I know,” he says, pain etched across his face. “I wish I could have come back to you sooner. Every day on the inside was a fight for survival. For sanity. At first, when they threw me in solitary confinement, it was almost a welcome break from constantly defending myself and watching my back. But after a while, that emptiness, that silence, it all starts to close in on you and you start wishing you could be back out with the other inmates. As it turns out, the only thing worse than being surrounded by dangerous men is being alone with your thoughts.”
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that,” I tell him, reaching up to touch his face. He leans into my palm, pressing his cheek into my hand before turning to kiss my fingers.
“All of that was bearable, though. The thing that nearly killed me was being away from the woman I love,” he adds, pulling me into an embrace. “Not knowing where you were or if you were okay. That’s the thing that kept me awake at night.”
I give him a weak smile. “I was okay. Well, at first I had some trouble. When they took you away, I kind of fell apart. It was so hard to convince myself life was still worth living. I would just lie in bed and think about how badly you were being treated in there, how unfair it all was. I didn’t want to get out of bed or do anything. Nothing felt right. Nothing seemed to matter. It was like, why should I try to go back to the life I had before you?”
“But you did. I can see it. I could tell as soon as you came down that ladder, you’ve been surviving. You have that look about you. Like you’ve taken on the whole world and you’re winning,” Bruno comments, a hint of pride in his voice.
“I’m glad you see that in me,” I reply. “For a long time I didn’t see it myself. It was a struggle, picking myself back up and getting back into the grind. But I figured it out eventually: working hard kept my mind off of more terrible things. So I worked my ass off.”
“How is the shop doing?” he asks.
“Good. Great, actually,” I correct myself. “I’ve hired this girl to help out and sales are up.”
“I’m proud of you,” Bruno says, beaming at me. I can feel my face heating up. It’s crazy. I just had mind-blowing sex with the guy, he knows every inch of my body intimately, but he can still make me blush with just a few words of praise.
“Thank you,” I mumble, looking away. Changing the subject, I pipe up, “So, what is this place? I know the prison guards didn’t arrange this whole shebang just so we could have a conjugal visit. What’s going on?”
Bruno sighs. “This is an old bootleggers’ nest, a place where they used to hide out from the authorities, lay low in between big operations. Italian, of course.”
“That explains the classed-up decor,” I joke, raising an eyebrow. Bruno chuckles.
“Yeah, we can never resist beautiful things,” he answers, looking at me meaningfully.
“How did you find out about this place?”
“A friend of mine, a cellmate called Trueba, he told me about it. This place is a well-guarded secret, one the NYPD doesn’t know about even after all this time. I’m sure you noticed what a pain it is to get here. Not too hard to believe that those cops wouldn’t want to drag their asses all the way out here anyway,” he laughs.
“Trueba? So, this cellmate of yours... did he help you get here or something? How did you arrange it? Bruno, did you… did you break out of prison?” I ask, my throat going dry suddenly.
He takes both my hands in his. “Serena, I did exactly what I had to do to get out of there and come back to you.”
“So, what now?” I ask quietly. “I’m sure they’re looking for you.”
Bruno raises my hands to his lips, kissing them sweetly. “What happens now is we go back to where we were before all this happened. We go to dinner. We go to the park. We wake up in the morning together and we fall asleep at night side by side. We go back to being us again.”
I can feel that annoying, all-too-familiar prickle of tears in my eyes, but whether they’re happy or frightened tears I’m not sure.
“I want that more than anything in the whole world. But Bruno, how are we—”
There’s a resounding thump-thump-
thump from behind us and we both turn around quickly to see one of the men who brought me here climbing down the ladder, looking sweaty and distressed. He looks at Bruno and says, “Sorry to interrupt, but we’ve got trouble.”
“N o... no, you’ve got to be kidding me,” Serena breathes as we pull up to Bathing Beauty and see the big yellow sign posted on the front door. We don’t even need to get out to see the big bold word CLOSED written at the top of it.
Coming here in the first place was a risk, but it was a calculated risk. I had some men scout around the area before us to make sure there were no police watching the area. But just to be cautious, I also had them draw the attention of any beat cops a couple blocks down.
There’s still no word of my escape in the news. They likely don’t want to draw attention to the fact that one of Detective Prince’s prized inmates escaped and are keeping it hush-hush. Still, it’s been eerily quiet, and I know it won’t last. But I have to take it day by day.
When the guard had intruded on us back on the island, he said there had been sightings of police investigating Serena’s shop. Looks like the reports were right.
As we come to a stop around the back of the building and Serena hops out of the car to run up to the sign, I pull my hood over my head and don my old aviators. It doesn’t help make me look less suspicious, but it does make me a little harder to spot as anyone but just another shady figure.
There’s no shortage of those, this time of night.
I step up next to Serena and put a big hand on her shoulder as she stares at the notice with a gaping mouth, and I can see anger rising in her cheeks.
It’s a police notice. The sign is a bunch of jargon, but in short, it says the business is temporarily closed because of an ongoing police investigation, and that removing the sign is a punishable offense.
“How could they do this?” Serena stammers, looking up to me with panic in her eyes. “This place is-is my livelihood! They don’t have anything tying me to... anything!”
“It’s a threat,” I say in a grave tone, reading the thing over again and glancing over my shoulder. My hand slides from her shoulder to her smaller hand, and I give her a tug to follow me around the back of the building. “Come on, we should get out of sight.”
“Where?” she asks, following me.
“Inside,” I say. “Looks like nobody’s doing any investigating right now, it’ll be better than hanging out on the street.”
We go to the back door, and Serena unlocks it to allow us to step inside. We enter, and I can immediately tell things are off.
Serena flicks on a light, and there are signs of tampering everywhere. As I step through the shop with her, I can tell that inventory has been moved around roughly, the office has been nearly torn apart from someone searching through any files Serena happened to have around, and even the front of the store has been looked through.
“They even took some of my chemicals,” Serena says in disbelief, looking around at the damage, and as she turns on the office light, I can see the tears shining in her eyes. “How did they get a warrant so fast?”
I move to the front of the shop and find an envelope that was pushed through the mail slot. It looks official, and it has the police department’s return address on it. “Looks like this is their notice,” I say, turning it over in my hands and handing it to her when she approaches. She tosses it to the counter, shaking her head.
“I can’t read that thing right now. I... I feel sick, Bruno.”
I wrap my arms around her, and she buries her face into my chest, where I feel her tears staining my shirt.
“This is my fault,” I whisper, holding her snugly in my embrace, making her feel secure. God, I’ve missed that feeling, but I can already see the damage my return is causing. “They don’t care about you. Not really. They know we’re together, and this is a threat to let us know they’re still watching. Hounding us.”
“No,” says Serena, looking up at me. Tear-marks are still streaming down her face, but she looks resolute. “No, this is about both of us. You’ve been strong for so long, Bruno, but we’re in this together,” she says, managing a smile, and I move my hands down to her hips and give her a squeeze.
“You don’t want to get dragged into this any more than you already are,” I say.
“Are you kidding? This is my business, and whether they’re after you or not, they’re fucking with me now, too. That’s why you’re here again. I’m already in,” she says, tightening a fist full of my shirt in her hand. “I’ll be damned if I let everything I worked for go to hell because some... some crooked cop with a stick up his ass has a chip on his shoulder!”
I grin, and I scoop her up in my arms suddenly. She yelps, kicking her legs as she instinctively wraps her arms around my neck. “That’s my girl,” I say proudly, and she blushes in my arms. “I’ve missed that fire in you more than anything.”
She smiles, and I bend down to kiss her on the lips, then I pepper her whole face with kisses, and her teary face is soon blushing and giggling instead. I walk her back to the office and set her on the desk. My hands wrap around her waist, and we just look at each other for a moment, smiling.
In spite of all the hardship, being able to just have some privacy with Serena is worth more than anything in the world.
“I know this is a lot,” I say, giving her a gentle squeeze to reassure her. “There’s no easy way to live with the police breathing down your neck, I can tell you that. But I can tell you one more thing.” I put my hands around her face, gently bringing her forehead forward to touch mine to hers. “I’ve tasted freedom, Serena, freedom with you. And nothing is going to tear me away from you again as long as my heart is beating.”
I see her smile, and she slips her hands around my sides, feeling the muscles rippling under my shirt. “It was so hard without you, Bruno. I mean, I could handle my business fine, I wasn’t exaggerating that much in my letters. But just... going to bed alone every night, waking up and forgetting that you weren’t going to be there beside me, thinking I wouldn’t feel you holding me up for another eight years…”
She pulls her head back and looks at me with those warm, shining eyes that move me like nothing else on this earth. “If I can survive that,” she says, “and you can hold up in prison for so long, then together, we can do anything.” She puts her hand in mind and interlaces our fingers together.
“You’ve grown so much stronger since I saw you last,” I whisper in a low tone.
“You’re one to talk,” she says with a grin, running her free hand up and down my muscular side, then sliding her fingers to my front. She lets out a contented sigh at what she feels, and I put a hand under her chin to make her look up to me.
We look at each other like we’re meeting for the first time all over again. Every moment with Serena feels like that; the first skipping heartbeat that makes my hardened heart go soft for just a second. Just long enough to get a taste of her and lose all control.
I bring my lips to hers, and as soon as they touch, we’re lost in each other.
I let my tongue explore her mouth, and she welcomes it, giving a soft moan into the kiss as her tongue plays with mine in turn. We share warmth as I come in closer, reveling in the feel of her mouth on mine. Her lips are softer than I remember, her blush redder, her voice sweeter.
We move slower than the furious waterfall of energy we felt when we were first reunited. We’re even more private now. God, how I’ve missed having privacy. Really feeling alone with Serena, feeling like my time with her can’t be intruded on by anyone. Like she can take her time enjoying my body.
Everything I’ve worked for and waited for is in Serena, and her satisfaction makes me happier and more fulfilled than even my first breath as a free man did.
She puts both hands on my pecs, and I lower my arms to squeeze her hips to let her explore my body. Her fingertips trace the muscles on my upper torso, then go down to my abs. They linger on each and every one while we
kiss, then slide to my sides and travel down to my waist.
I rock my hips forward slowly, inviting her to feel more of me. She goes to my thighs and feel the hardness, my muscles so tight they don’t have any give. It’s pure power under there, just like the rest of me. Her left hand moves up my thigh to where my legs meet, and when she touches the equally hard outline of my stiff cock through my jeans, I feel her draw in a sharp breath.
“We fucked in the safe house,” I say in a husky tone, breaking our kiss, “now I want to make love to you. In the place it all began again.”
She nods softly, and I move back just enough to pull my shirt up over my head and toss it aside, letting her get a full look at my body. She feasts her eyes, her mouth falling open. Even with my wounds bandaged, so much of my carefully sculpted form is on display, my swarthy skin looking as healthy as ever over hard muscle.
I reach forward, and she lets me pull her shirt over her head too, and I take off her bra to really look at her.
Her form has always been beautiful, but it’s all the more irresistible to me after so long away from her. Her olive skin sets off the dark blonde hair spilling down her shoulders like the sun against bronze. I put my warm, rough hands to her breasts and feel them softly, my strong grip gentle. It teases a gasp out of her. I’m like a towering bear pawing at her as she sits there on the desk, exposed to me.
The way her breasts feel is incredible to me. I move my hands under them, feeling their weight in my palms before I bring my thumbs to the brown buds and run them over them, feeling them hardening, getting stiffer and more needy for me. They’re begging me to devour them, and I will, soon. I want to take my time with Serena and learn more about this gorgeous new body I’m rediscovering.